Trifid Nebula
The Shuttle Docked With The MIR Space Station
Photo by The Astronomynut |
One of the first shots I ever took,of the Great Orion Nebula, with a Meade ETX 60, at about a 15 minute exposure, on
Fuji 400 speed film. Some of the detail was lost on scanning the image into my files. If you look closely however some detail
of the Horsehead Nebula is apparent. The ETX 60 is equal to a 350mm lens when coupled with a camera.
You can look for more photos soon on a new page showing some new photos that I am working on. I am using a
technique of taking a photo directly through the eyepiece of the telescope. Look for it!
Solar Flare During A Solar Eclipse
Comet Hyakutake
This is the Meade ETX 70, exactly the same as the ETX 60, but the ETX 70 has a slightly larger objective lens. The tube assembly
and all controls are otherwise identical. But the ETX 70 will deliver an even better photo than the one on the left.